SAP SD Training

SAP Customer-Material Info Record

SAP Customer-Material Info Record is of core importance in SAP. A transaction’s accuracy is based on correct and accurate Master Data. If the Master Data is not maintained in the SAP system, transactions cannot be performed. If the Master Data is not properly and accurate maintained, process like either Procure-to-Pay or Order-to-Cash, Record-to-Report, Hire-to-Retire, Plan-to-Produce will not be processed accurately. If same are not processed accurately, accurate reporting cannot be obtained by any means.

The importance of Master Data can be understood by this example that many companies have experienced and dedicated Master Data Management resources in their Master Data Management team meaning, there are set of employees who are dedicated and solely look after Master Data they are usually called the Master Data Management (MDM) team. They carefully consider the Master Data, responsible for entering accurate data in prescribed fields. They also closely observe, look vigilantly and check thoroughly if there’s any repetition, duplication and redundancy of the Master Data.

Introduction to SAP Customer-Material Info Record

SAP Customer-Material Info Record is used for storing data in combination of Customer and Material. You can record specific and specialized information about a Material which is specific to a Customer.

Example: The Material which your Customer purchases has a Material or Item code which is different from your company’s internal Material code. But you can maintain both your company’s material code and customer’s material code for a single material by creating a relationship and cross referencing between the two.

It helps in order entry, makes it swift and free from errors. When a Customer sends you a Purchase Order (PO) with the Material or Item codes which he uses in his company, you can enter the Sales Order in SAP SD using these codes of Customer and system will fetch relevant SAP Material Master codes accordingly. You can also share shipping related information in SAP Customer-Material Info Records.

Important SAP Customer-Material Info Record Transactions

The following are the key transaction related to SAP Customer-Material Info Records:

  • VD51 – Create Customer-Material Info Record
  • VD52 – Change Customer-Material Info Record
  • VD53 – Display Customer-Material Info Record
  • VD54 – Display for Material
  • VD59 – List Customer-Material Info Records

How to Create SAP Customer-Material Info Record

There are two options to start the transaction for creating a new customer-material info record:

  • Enter VD51 in Transaction Command Field
Start VD51 Transaction
Start VD51 Transaction
  • Navigate through ‘Tree’
Menu Navigation for Customer-Material Info Record
Menu Navigation for Customer-Material Info Record

When you enter the T-Code for Customer-Material Info Record, you will reach in the transaction screen below:

SAP Customer-Material Info Record - Initial Screen
SAP Customer-Material Info Record – Initial Screen

Enter the Customer for which you want to create info record along with relevant Sales Organization and Distribution Channel then either press Enter on keyboard or  button.

SAP Customer-Material Info Record - Entry Screen
SAP Customer-Material Info Record – Entry Screen (Empty)

Enter the SAP Material Mater code in the first column from left and Customer’s information related to the respective material in the third column from left.

SAP Customer-Material Info Record - Entry Screen
SAP Customer-Material Info Record – Entry Screen (with One Info Record)

If you wish to enter further details about this Material, like further description as per Customer’s classification you can either double click on the respective line or select the respective line and press F2 on keyboard or press  Info Record Details button to enter further information.

SAP Customer-Material Info Record - Entry Screen
SAP Customer-Material Info Record – Entry Screen (Info Record Details Button)
SAP Customer-Material Info Record – Info Record Details Entry Screen
SAP Customer-Material Info Record – Info Record Details Entry Screen

Here you can enter:

  • Customer’s description of the product.
  • Search Term for ease of search at the time of Sales Order processing.
  • Shipping information such as nearest or preferred Plant from where the product is shipped to the Customer; Delivery Priority whether high, low, medium; Minimum Delivery Quantity, Partial Deliver allowed or not, Maximum number of Partial deliveries; Over and Under Delivery Tolerance or Unlimited Tolerance.

If you wish to scroll up and down with multiple records, you can use these buttons:

Once you are done with maintaining and changing values in the SAP SD Customer-Material Info Record, don’t forget to Press Save  or CTRL+S for the values to take effect in your sales transactions and the system will confirm that the Customer is created and saved  .

Create a Sales Order with SAP Customer-Material Info Record

The Customer has sent you his Purchase Order with this own Material Code and description and now you can enter the order based on the information provided by the Customer. Go to Sales Order Create Transaction: VA01.

Create Sales Order – Order Type Selection Screen
Create Sales Order – Order Type Selection Screen
Create Sales Order – Order Entry Screen
Create Sales Order – Order Entry Screen

Enter the Sold-to Party and Ship-to Party.

Create Sales Order – Order Entry Screen
Create Sales Order – Order Entry Screen

Now, go to the Ordering Party Tab Page to enter material based on Customer’s Material number and description.

Create Sales Order – Order Entry Screen > Ordering Party
Create Sales Order – Order Entry Screen > Ordering Party

Now, the system will fetch your SAP Material Master code based on the customer material number. This is possible because there is a customer-material info record that links our material code with the material code of the customer.

Create Sales Order – Order Entry Screen (Material was Populated)
Create Sales Order – Order Entry Screen (Material was Populated)

Press Save  or CTRL+S to save the order and you are good to go.

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